23 Jun 2012

Beyond Wearable , an exhibition about the combined creation of fashion and contemporary art . Creative concepts are developed and extended into different form of ‘moving art pieces’.  Leading Hong Kong fashion designer Ms. Meiyi Cheung collaborates with Japanese artists TomoakiTarutani and VIWA, using their paintings and patterns for her new collection recreate fashion pieces as art rather than seasonal disposables.  VIWA and Tomoaki's paintings and patterns contain a sense of modernity, and have plenty visual interests, that moves people's heart and sensation, as fashion does. From the fashion pieces, extraordinary headpieces (‘wearable sculpture’) are created by Australian artist Tricia Flanagan, further extend the concept into “wearable art piece”, while fashion photographer Dicky Ma, translates the concept into visuals via his lenses of light and shades. 

穿•越 当服装越过衣物的界限,与当代艺术融合,创意便会造就出不同形式的时尚设计,让它们成为能够穿着的艺术品。香港知名时装设计师美仪,联手日本艺术家垂谷知明和比巴,将绘画图案融入设计系列之中,让服装成为艺术再创作的载体,而不是追逐潮流的产物。两位日本艺术家的作品,就如时装一样,具备现代感和视觉吸引力,打动着观者的心灵。

而当艺术品越过界限,如澳大利亚艺术家Tricia Flanagan的头饰设计那般,阐释着“可穿戴的雕塑”的概念,成为我们身上的配饰。加上这些作品在摄影师Dicky Ma的镜头下,以别样的光影姿态出现,观者便能更深切地体会到艺术和服饰融合所产生的化学作用。

Opening & VIP preview :  30th June. Saturday
Time:                             1500 - 1800
Venue:                           225 Concept  225, Beijing Road, Guangzhou,